Partners & Companies We Love

We collaborate with trusted partners & companies to help you land your next internship abroad

The Internship Guide helps you discover quality internships abroad. Our partners and friends are those who we trust does their best to help you:

Want to become our trusted partner or are you representing a company who would like more exposure on our site? Don't hesitate to reach out to us!

List of Equal Opportunity employers- The Green Light List

Students around the world use the to list companies who treat their junior workforce fairly, crowd-sourced from the interns, graduates and juniors who have worked there

Padpiper Student Housing

Padpiper Student Housing for U.S Interns in USA

The Internship Guide collaborates with other great companies and organisations to create better student experiences abroad.

We recommend Padpiper for all student who found an internship in USA to use Padpiper Student Housing- A service to help students find short-term housing for talented students.